The Office of the State Archaeologist reports to the University of Iowa Office of the Vice President for Research.
OSA Directors
John Doershuk, Ph.D., RPA
Stephen Lensink
Administrative Services
Teresa Rucker
Program Directors
Mary De La Garza, M.A., MCSE
Lara Noldner, M.S., Ph.D., RPA
Caroline (Carrie) Parris, M.A., Ph.D.
Cynthia (Cindy) Peterson, M.A., RPA
Elizabeth Reetz, M.A., M.Ed.
Bill Whittaker, Ph.D.
Investigation and protection of ancient human remains; osteological examinations; Iowa burial law, NAGPRA compliance, and stewardship
Lara Noldner, M.S., Ph.D., RPA
Samantha Murphy, M.A.
Curation of specimens from Iowa and regional archaeological sites and floral, faunal, and geological comparative collections management; Iowa and regional archaeology reprints, reports, and photographs; archives management
Caroline (Carrie) Parris, M.A., Ph.D.
Seraphina Carey
Maizy Fugate
Digital Services
Technology development, digital archaeology, Iowa Archaeological Site File (I-Sites) and iArc, site searches, website and digital media development
Mary De La Garza, M.A., MCSE
Elizabeth Reetz, M.A., M.Ed.
Angela R. Collins, M.A., RPA
Maizy Fugate
Colleen Randolph
Education & Outreach
Statewide engagement, school and public programming, educational and interpretive resources development and consultation, OSA website and social media
Elizabeth Reetz, M.A., M.Ed.
Angela R. Collins, M.A., RPA
Cherie Haury-Artz, M.A.
Survey & Consultation
Research and consulting for all types of archaeological and compliance investigations on precontact and historic regional sites and architectural resources