Veronica Mraz, M.A., Ph.D.
Veronica Mraz received her undergraduate degree in Anthropology from the University of Iowa (2010), then completed her graduate work at the University of Tulsa in Oklahoma (M.A. 2010, Ph.D. 2019) before returning to Iowa. Her research expertise focuses on the Plains Woodland and Plains Village time periods and includes experimental archaeology, specifically exploring heat treatment of stone material used to make precontact tools, and examining mobility patterns using the bi-products of the stone tool making process (debitage) to see how people moved across the Great Plains landscape. When not conducting surveys, Veronica enjoys flintknapping (the process of creating a stone tool), creating archaeological experiments, and hanging out with her dog.
At OSA, Veronica leads contract field surveys and specializes in lithic analysis. Veronica is also an adjunct professor for the Department of Anthropology where she regularly teaches courses on experimental archaeology.
- stone tool technology
- experimental archaeology
- mobility patterns