The Office of the State Archaeologist interacts frequently with Native tribes and communities on matters of mutual interest and concern. The OSA Indian Advisory Council includes representatives from several communities descendant to Iowa. Through regular meetings and informal consultation, Indian Advisory Council members and OSA staff share information and address issues relating to ancient burial sites, human remains, repatriation, and other topics.

Indian Advisory Council members:

  • Julie Martineau - Lakota
  • Jacki Rand - Choctaw
  • Suzanne Wanatee Buffalo - Meskwaki

The IAC through the Years

The Iowa laws for protecting ancient human remains, passed in 1976, also established an Indian Advisory Committee to the OSA. In the 1990s, the name changed to the Indian Advisory Council. The founding members were Maria Pearson (Yankton Sioux) and Don Wanatee (Meskwaki), along with State Archaeologist Duane Anderson.

Collaborative Project on Improving Tribal Consultation

OSA Indian Advisory Council members served as reviewers for the online resource, Understanding Section 106 Archaeology and Improving Tribal Consultation. One purpose of this resource is for Tribal Historic Preservation staff to use as an educational tool to distribute when they receive commonly asked questions and new inquiries from applicants, agencies, and the public.